Sep 21, 2021
Civil Rights Groups Representing People Detained at the Broward Jail Ask Court to Enforce its Order Requiring Health and Safety Precautions against COVID-19
Despite the Continued Surge of COVID-19 Cases, the Jail has Failed to Improve Health Conditions for its Staff and the Thousands of Incarcerated People in its Custody as Mandated by a 2021 Consent Decree
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Sep 10, 2021
Advocates Renew Calls for Governor Mills to Close Long Creek
The calls come after reports of guards continuing to use dangerous force against incarcerated young people
Sep 07, 2021
Aug 11, 2021
Court Preliminarily Approves Landmark Settlement That Improves Special Education Services in New Jersey State Prisons
The case, Adam X. et al. v. New Jersey Department of Corrections and Department of Education et al., was filed in January 2017 and offers a national example for special education services in prison.
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jul 16, 2021
Civil Rights Organizations Appeal FBI’s Refusal to Disclose Government Records on the “China Initiative”
WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union and Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC administratively appealed the FBI’s decision to close their joint FOIA request for ...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jun 30, 2021
ACLU Releases Report on Treatment for Incarcerated People with Opioid Use Disorder
Failure to medicate people in prisons and jails leads to death and overdoses, report finds
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
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