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Reynolds v. Talberg

Location: Michigan
Status: Closed (Dismissed)
Last Update: January 4, 2021

What's at Stake

On March 12, 2018, the ACLU and the ACLU of Michigan moved to intervene on the behalf of Stand with Trans and the Williamston High School Gay-Straight Alliance. Stand with Trans is a non-profit organization in Michigan with support groups around the state serving and empowering the families of transgender youth. The Williamston GSA is a student-led organization for LGBT students and allies at Williamston High School. Both organizations are committed to ensuring LGBT students have safe, non-discriminatory environments in which to go to school.

In the law suit, plaintiffs claim that the school district’s non-discrimination and anti-bullying policies that cover sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, including allowing transgender students to access programs and facilities consistent with their gender identity, violate the privacy and religious rights of cisgender parents and students.

Claims similar to the ones being brought by the plaintiffs in this case have been rejected by other courts around the country. These claims attempt to erase the harm LGBT students endure when they are subject to bullying and harassment because of who they are, and specifically target transgender students by attempting to force them out of school programs and facilities. Williamston Public School District’s non-discrimination policies violate no one’s rights. But what the plaintiffs urge the court to do would unlawfully discriminate against LGBT students.

VICTORY: On 10/30/20, the court dismissed this case because those attacking trans youth failed to show that any students were harmed by school policies supporting transgender students.

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