Judicial Watch v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Location: Pennsylvania
Last Update: May 11, 2020

What's at Stake

The ACLU and partners filed a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit, Judicial Watch v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on May 11, 2020. In that case, a pro-voter purge group is seeking to force three Pennsylvania counties to remove thousands of voters from the rolls before the upcoming election.

“We have serious concerns that eligible voters in these three counties could be illegally purged from voter registration rolls, which is why we are stepping in,” said Adriel Cepeda Derieux, an attorney with the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project. “We want to ensure eligible voters and election integrity are protected."

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the ACLU of Pennsylvania, the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP filed the motion on behalf of Common Cause Pennsylvania and the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania.

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