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City of El Cenizo et al v. State of Texas et al

Location: Texas
Last Update: August 30, 2017

What's at Stake

The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Texas filed the first motion to block the anti-immigrant and anti-law enforcement Texas Senate Bill (SB4) before it takes effect.

The law, recently signed by Gov. Greg Abbott, strips localities and local law enforcement in the state of the authority to determine how to best use their limited resources to ensure the safety of their communities. The law also turns Texas into a “show me your papers” state. Law enforcement leaders throughout Texas and the country strongly oppose the law.

The motion, filed on behalf of the plaintiffs Texas LULAC and its members, the City of El Cenizo, the City’s Mayor Raul Reyes, and Maverick County and elected officials of the county, asks the federal district court in San Antonio to fast-track a ruling on the constitutionality of SB4. In this motion, the ACLU demonstrates that SB4 violates numerous fundamental constitutional rights and principles.

Update (8/30/17): A federal court has struck down virtually all of Texas’ Senate Bill 4, a law slated to take effect September 1 that would have forced local law enforcement to carry out federal immigration directives.

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