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(Active Cases | Concluded Cases) Active Cases RELATIONSHIPS Fisher-Borne v. Smith: Seeking the right to obtain second parent adoptions, and challenging the state's ban on marriage for same-sex couples Gerber v. Cooper: Seeking the right to obtain second parent adoptions, and challenging the state's ban on marriage for same-sex couples (Seeking swift action because of serious medical condition of one member of each plaintiff couple) VICTORY! Whitewood v. Corbett: Federal case seeking the freedom to marry in Pennsylvania VICTORY! Bostic v. Schaefer (Harris Class Action): Same-sex couples challenge Virginia's ban on marriage for same-sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere Wolf and Schumacher v. Walker: Same-sex couples challenge Wisconsin's ban on marriage for same sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere VICTORY! Evans v. Utah: Same-sex couples challenge Utah's failure to recognize legal marriages that were entered into after a federal court struck down the state ban, but before the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily halted new marriages from taking place. Caspar v. Snyder: Same-sex couples challenge Michigan's failure to recognize legal marriages that were entered into after a federal court struck down the state ban, but before the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily halted new marriages from taking place. Obergefell v. Himes: Same-sex couples challenge Ohio's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere. VICTORY! Barrier v. Vasterling: Same-sex couples challenge Missouri's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere. Grimsley v. Scott: Same-sex couples challenge Florida's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere. VICTORY! Rummell v. Kitzhaber: Same-sex couples challenge Oregon's ban on marriage for same sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere Fujii v. Governor: Same-sex couples challenge Indiana's ban on marriage for same sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere Rolando v. Fox: Same-sex couples challenge Montana's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere. Aaron-Brush v. Bentley: Same-sex couples challenge Alabama's ban on marriage for same sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere Bloechl-Karlsen v. Walker: Same-sex couples challenge Wisconsin's failure to recognize legal marriages that were entered into after a federal court struck down the state ban, but before the judge temporarily halted new marriages from taking place. Marie v. Moser: Same-sex couples challenge Kansas's ban on marriage for same sex couples PARENTING Fisher-Borne v. Smith: Seeking the right to obtain second parent adoptions, and challenging the state's ban on marriage for same-sex couples Gerber v. Cooper: Seeking the right to obtain second parent adoptions, and challenging the state's ban on marriage for same-sex couples (Seeking swift action because of serious medical condition of one member of each plaintiff couple) Stewart and Stewart v. Heinman: A challenge to Nebraska's policy that bans gay and lesbian individuals from serving as foster parents HIV/AIDS VICTORY! Henderson et al. v. Thomas et al.: Challenging the segregation and restriction of inmates with HIV DISCRIMINATION Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Filing Against Taco John: Challenging a fast food chain for requiring an employee to wear a name tag that read "Gaytard."Click here for more information. Dawson v. H & H Electric: Challenging an employer for firing an employee after she transitioned from male to female on the job. Craig and Mullins v. Masterpiece Cakeshop: Challenging a cakeshop for refusing to sell a same-sex couple a cake for their wedding TRANSGENDER Manning v. Hagel, et al.: Seeking to force the Army to provide medically necessary treatment for a prisoner’s gender dysphoria diagnosis. VICTORY! K.L. v. State of Alaska: Allowing transgender individuals to correct the gender marker on their driver's licenses without undergoing major surgery YOUTH & SCHOOLS VICTORY! A.W. and C.W. v. Davis County School District: Challenging the removal of a book about a family with same-sex parents from a school district's libraries Concluded Cases RELATIONSHIPS VICTORY! Griego v. Oliver: Same-sex couples challenge New Mexico's ban on marriage for same-sex couples and the state's refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere VICTORY! Windsor v. United States: Challenging the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Appling v. Doyle: Defending Wisconsin domestic partnerships Bassett v. Snyder: Challenge to discriminatory domestic partner benefits law Donaldson and Guggenheim v. Montana: Fighting for relationship protections in a state with a marriage ban Schmidt and Schuh v. Alaska: Same-sex couples challenge Alaska's discriminatory tax law Glossip v. Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System: Attempt to secure survivor benefits for domestic partners Lazaro and Matos v. Orr: Freedom to Marry in Illinois Prop 8 Case (Hollingsworth v. Perry): Federal challenge to Proposition 8 VICTORY! Advocacy Encourages H&R Block to Accommodate Gay Couples in Civil Unions VICTORY! Alaska CLU v. State of Alaska: State employee domestic partner benefits Challenge to Florida's Anti-Gay Relationship Initiative: Relationship protections for same-sex couples Citizens For Equal Protection v. Bruning: Nebraska marriage amendment challenge Deane & Polyak v. Conaway: Maryland state marriage lawsuit Domestic Partnership Advocacy on Behalf of Konica Minolta Employee Dunnum v. Wisconsin: State employee domestic partner benefits VICTORY! Fresno Hospital Discrimination: Lesbian barred from visiting partner VICTORY! Levitt & Dakota v. New Mexico Retiree Health Authority: State employee domestic partner benefits Li & Kennedy v. Oregon: Oregon state marriage lawsuit VICTORY! In re Marriage Cases: The case that won marriage in California, before Prop. 8 took it away. VICTORY! Salt Lake City Domestic Partnerships: City employee same-sex partner benefits Samuels & Gallagher v. New York: New York state marriage lawsuit VICTORY! Snetsinger v. Montana University: University employee domestic partner benefits Strauss v. Horton: Challenge to California's Prop. 8 VICTORY! Wiessmann v. State College Area School District: Challenge to discriminatory domestic partner benefits policy PARENTING VICTORY! Gartner v. Iowa Department of Public Health: A challenge to Iowa's refusal to list the wives of biological mothers on their children's birth certificates VICTORY! Burch v. Smarr: West Virginia child custody VICTORY! Chandler v. Barker: Appeal of a "paramour" restriction on custody rights in Tennessee VICTORY! Cole v. Arkansas: Challenge to Arkansas parenting ban for unmarried couples VICTORY! In re: Gill: Challenge to Florida anti-gay adoption ban VICTORY! In re: Hadaway: Georgia custody/adoption denial VICTORY! Howard v. Arkansas: Arkansas foster care ban VICTORY! Johnston v. MO Dept. of Social Services: Missouri foster care denial VICTORY! Maniaci v. Kulstad: De-facto parenting case in Montana DISCRIMINATION VICTORY! Elane Photography, LLC v. Vanessa Willcock: Challenging a photography studio's refusal take pictures for same-sex wedding ceremonies. VICTORY! Advocacy on Behalf of Gay Men Verbally Abused by McDonald's Staff VICTORY! Christian Legal Society V. Martinez: Student club required to comply with the university's non-discrimination policy VICTORY!Cooley v. Forrest County Sheriff's Department: Employment Discrimination by Mississippi Sheriff's office VICTORY! Exodus Parody: Defense of blogger's free speech Johnson v. Johnson: Texas prison abuse VICTORY! Limon v. Kansas: Kansas prison sentencing discrimination VICTORY! Collins v. United States: Challenge to military separation-pay discrimination VICTORY! Baker and Linsley v. Wildflower Inn: Lesbian couple challenges Vermont inn's illegal public accommodations discrimination VICTORY! Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley: A counseling student seeks to be reinstated in her program after insisting on her right to counsel LGB clients that being gay is immoral Ward v. Wilbanks: Challenging a counseling student's discrimination against LGB clients TRANSGENDER Hispanic AIDS Forum v. Bruno: New York transgender discrimination VICTORY! Kirk v. Arnold: Challenge to Illinois law denying transgender people accurate birth certificates In re Rockefeller: New York denial of name change for transgender man VICTORY!Lovo-Lara Visa Petition: Immigration visa petition of transgender spouse VICTORY! Schroer v. Library of Congress: Federal hiring discrimination by the Library of Congress Seals v. Old Dominion Freight Lines, Inc.: Hiring discrimination VICTORY! Fields v. Smith: Transgender inmates barred from medical treatment YOUTH & SCHOOLS VICTORY! Boyd High GSA v. Boyd Co. Board of Education: Kentucky high school gay-straight alliance VICTORY! Franks v. Metropolitan Board of Public Education: Access to pro-LGBT sites blocked. VICTORY! Fulton, Mississippi Prom Discrimination: School refuses to allow same-sex date at prom. VICTORY! Gillman v. Holmes County School District: Florida student free speech VICTORY! Gonzalez v. School Board of Okeechobee County: Florida high school gay-straight alliance VICTORY! Laccone v. I.C. Norcom High School: Virginia student free speech VICTORY! Morrison v. Boyd County Board of Education: Kentucky high school anti-harassment training VICTORY! Myers v. Thornsberry: Webb City, MO t-shirt censorship Nguon v. Wolf: Orange County, CA student harassment VICTORY! Ohio School Censorship: Dublin, OH t-shirt censorship VICTORY! Paramo v. Kern High School District: East Bakersfield, CA student newspaper censorship VICTORY! PFLAG v. Camdenton R-III School District: Fighting unconstitutional censorship of LGBT-supportive websites by a Missouri school VICTORY! PRIDE v. White County School District: Defense of Cleveland, Georgia gay-straight alliance VICTORY! Ramona, CA Harvey Milk Censorship: School censors student's project on Harvey Milk VICTORY! R.G., et al. v. Koller, et al.: Hawai'i youth correctional facility anti-gay harassment VICTORY! Russellville, Alabama School Prom Discrimination: School refuses to allow same-sex date at prom. VICTORY! Sturgis v. Copiah County School District: Mississippi school refuses to allow student to wear a tuxedo for her yearbook photo. Stop Anti-Gay Bullying: Seth's Story: Seth and Bullying in Schools Don't Filter Me: Web Content Filtering In Schools: Preventing viewpoint-discriminatory censorship of positive LGBT web content in public schools HIV/AIDS ACLU of Massachusetts v. Kathleen Sebelius et al.: Fighting a ban on grants that could help victims of trafficking protect themselves from HIV VICTORY! HIV Discrimination by Puerto Rico Cosmetology School: Cosmetology School Prohibits Student from Enrolling Because of HIV Status Challenge to Change in New York HIV Testing Policy Couture v. Belle Bonfils: Colorado HIV employment discrimination VICTORY! Doe v. A Nebraska Restaurant: HIV employment discrimination VICTORY! Doe v. Clinton: HIV employment discrimination by the U.S. State Department VICTORY! Dugas v. Arkansas Board of Cosmetology: Cosmetology school dismissal HIV+ student VICTORY! HIV Advocacy on Behalf of Peace Corps Volunteer VICTORY! TSA HIV Discrimination: HIV employment discrimination by the Transportation Security Administration