1.0American Civil Liberties UnionAmerican Civil Liberties UnionFAA FOIA Documents | American Civil Liberties Unionrich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="D57zSE6jsv"><a href="/documents/faa-foia-documents">FAA FOIA Documents</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="/documents/faa-foia-documents/embed#?secret=D57zSE6jsv" width="600" height="338" title="“FAA FOIA Documents” — American Civil Liberties Union" data-secret="D57zSE6jsv" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ /*! 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Although many of these records are heavily or even entirely redacted, the documents do shine some light on the government's interpretation, use, and abuse of the FAA spying power. Regardless of abuses, the problem with the FAA is more fundamental: the statute itself is unconstitutional. The ACLU has challenged the constitutionality of the FAA in federal court because giving the executive branch the power to conduct dragnet surveillance of Americans' international telephone calls and e-mails en masse, without a warrant, without suspicion of any kind, and with only very limited judicial oversight, violates the Fourth and First Amendments. The case, Amnesty v. Blair, is currently on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Learn more about the FAA >>Learn more about the ACLU's lawsuit, Amnesty v. Blair >> See the initial FOIA request >>November 29, 2010 cover letter regarding FAA FOIA document release >>ACLU summary of FAA FOIA documents received on November 29, 2010 >> Agency Page Range Document Date Title NSA 1 - 22 11/30/2009 NSA Assessments of FAA Compliance (9/1/2008 to 8/31/2009) NSA 23 - 28 FISA Modernization Final Exam NSA 29 - 47 11/11/2008 FAA Training Video Transcript NSA 48 - 57 FAA Training Presentation NSA 58 - 74 12/23/2008 FAA Section 702 Summary Document ODNI 1 - 35 12/9 AG/DNI Second Semiannual FAA Compliance Assessment (12/1/2008 to 5/31/2009) ODNI 36 - 36 3/17/2009 FAA Compliance Assessment Cover Letter (9/4/2008 to 11/30/2008) ODNI 37 - 38 12/29/2009 FAA Compliance Assessment Cover Letter (12/1/2008 to 5/31/2009) ODNI 39 - 40 5/7/2010 FAA Compliance Assessment Cover Letter (6/1/2009 to 11/30/2009) ODNI 41 - 69 03/9 AG/DNI First Semiannual FAA Compliance Assessment (9/4/2008-11/30/2008) ODNI 70 - 103 05/10 AG/DNI Third Semiannual Assessment of Compliance (6/1/2009 to 11/30/2009) DOJ OLA 1 - 2 3/4/2009 Cover Letter to First DOJ Semiannual Section 707 Report DOJ OLA 3 - 4 11/24/2009 Cover Letter to Second DOJ Semiannual Section 707 Report DOJ OLA 5 - 6 3/9/2010 Cover Letter to Third DOJ Semiannual Section 707 Report FBI 1 - 10 3/15/2010 Cover Letters to FBI First Annual FAA Report (9/1/08 to 8/31/09) FBI 11 - 13 FBI First Annual FAA Report (9/1/2008 to 8/31/2009) FBI 14 - 16 5/20/2009 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 17 - 19 12/1/2009 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 20 - 22 2/11/2010 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 23 - 26 5/21/2010 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 27 - 31 6/10/2010 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 32 - 32 9/3/2008 Powerpoint Slides: FAA Overview FBI 33 - 34 Withheld pages: 2 FBI 35 - 37 12/9/2009 Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA FBI 36 12/9/2009 January 23, 2012 release of a less-redacted version of page 36 of "Powerpoint Slides: Changes to Electronic Surveillance using FISA" FBI 38 - 39 Powerpoint Slides: FISA Section 702 Operations FBI 40 - 42 Withheld pages: 3 FBI 43 - 47 Powerpoint Slides: How Do I Disseminate FISA 702 Information? FBI 48 - 52 Powerpoint Slides: The FAA: Significant Changes to FISA FBI 53 - 53 Powerpoint Slides: Section 702 Presentation FBI 54 - 54 Withheld page: 1 FBI 55 - 59 Powerpoint Slides: The FAA: Notable Changes to FISA FBI 60 - 64 Powerpoint Slides: The FAA: Section 702 FBI 65 - 66 Powerpoint Slides: The FAA: Section 702 FBI 67 - 71 Powerpoint Slides: Section 702 of the FAA FBI 72 - 77 6/7/2010 FBI Legal Opinion FBI 78 - 78 FAA Overview (Chart) FBI 79 - 88 4/11/2008 FBI Memorandum of Understanding FBI 89 - 90 7/11/2008 The FAA (Bullet-point overview) FBI 91 - 95 Withheld pages: 5 FBI 96 - 96 Redacted Page FBI 97 - 153 Withheld pages: 57 FBI 154 - 523 Standard Operation Procedure Acknowledgment Requests (almost entirely redacted) FBI 524 - 524 Title VII of FISA § 702 (chart) FBI 525 - 530 Purging of FISA 702 Data Standard Operating Procedures FBI 531 - 535 Purging of FISA 702 Data Standard Operating Procedures FBI 536 - 603 10/2/2009 Powerpoint Slides: Introduction to FISA Section 702 FBI 604 - 610 9/21/2009 FBI Memo: Electronic Communications Analysis FBI 611 - 614 1/15/2010 FBI Memo: FISA Section 702 FBI 615 - 619 3/22/2010 FBI Memo: FISA Section 702 FBI 620 - 623 4/19/2010 FBI Memo: FISA Section 702 FBI 624 - 630 5/26/2010 FBI Memo: FISA Section 702 FBI 631 - 635 5/26/2010 FBI Memo: FISA Section 702 FBI 636 - 641 6/7/2010 FBI Memo: Legal Opinion Regarding [Redacted] FBI 642 - 655 Powerpoint Slides: The FISA, as Amended: Title VII FBI 656 - 659 8/5/2008 FBI Targeting Procedures under FAA § 702 FBI 660 - 661 8/5/2008 FBI Minimization Procedures under FAA § 702 FBI 662 - 672 FBI Standard FISA Minimization Procedures: Non-U.S. Person FBI 673 - 696 FBI Standard FISA Physical Search Minimization Procedures: Non-U.S. Person FBI 697 - 699 1/9/2009 FBI Minimization Procedures under FAA § 702 FBI 700 - 703 7/28/2009 FBI Targeting Procedures under FAA § 702 FBI 704 - 706 7/28/2009 FBI Minimization Procedures under FAA § 702 FBI 707 - 746 10/22/2008 FBI Standard FISA Minimization Procedures FBI 747 - 748 4/20/2009 Minimization Reviews of FBI FAA Collection No rows match the filter... FBI: Federal Bureau of InvestigationNSA: National Security AgencyODNI: Office of the Director of National IntelligenceDOJ OLA: Department of Justice Office of Legal Affairs