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Research & Analysis

A Death Before Dying: Solitary Confinement on Death Row

Most death row prisoners in the United States are locked alone in small cells for 22 to 24 hours a day with little human contact or interaction; reduced or no natural light; and severe constraints on visitation, including the inability to ever touch friends or loved ones.

This stark reality endures at a time when the United States鈥 experiment with the death penalty is at a crossroads. On one hand, in 2013, another state repealed the death penalty - Maryland. That makes six states in the last six years - Maryland, Connecticut, Illinois, New Mexico, New Jersey, and New York - that have repealed the death penalty, bringing the number of states without it to 18. Today, more than half of the states have either eliminated the death penalty completely or have not executed anyone for at least 10 years. Thirty states, plus federal and military jurisdictions, have not executed anyone in at least 5 years. This steady march toward repeal seems to indicate that it is only a matter of time before the Supreme Court will declare the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment and bar its use nationwide.

Research & Analysis

Report: The War on Marijuana in Black and White

Read our 2020 report, 'A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in the Era of Marijuana Reform'

Over-Policing: Between 2001 and 2010, there were over 8 million pot arrests in the U.S. That鈥檚 one bust every 37 seconds and hundreds of thousands ensnared in the criminal justice system.

Wasted Time and Money: Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana.

Staggering Racial Bias: Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.

Update (09/11/2013): In the original version of this report, the Minnesota dollar figure under "Money spent enforcing marijuana possession laws in 2010" on page 158 was mistakenly printed as $94,838,792. The correct figure is $42,071,288. We apologize for the error and have made the correction in the online version of the report.

Issue Areas: Smart Justice

Research & Analysis

Change Is Possible: A Case Study Of Solitary Confinement Reform In Maine

Solitary confinement destroys lives. Over the past four decades, prisons across the country have increasingly relied on solitary confinement鈥攊solating prisoners in small poorly-lit cells for 23-24 hours per day鈥攁s a disciplinary tool for prisoners who are difficult to manage in the general population. But research has shown that these conditions cause serious mental deterioration and illness. Prisoners in solitary confinement hallucinate, they deliberately injure themselves, and they lose the ability to relate to other human beings. When these prisoners are eventually released from solitary confinement, they have difficulties integrating into the general prison population or (especially when they are released directly onto the streets) into life on the outside.

Research & Analysis

Protecting the Rights of Transgender Parents and their Children

A Joint Publication of the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Center for Transgender Equality

All too often parents who have transitioned or come out as transgender after having children have seen their gender transition raised by their ex-spouse or partner as a basis to deny or restrict custody or visitation. Transgender people who formed families after transitioning have faced challenges to their legal status as parents, often based on attacks on the validity of their marriages. This guide provides information to transgender parents and their attorneys to help them protect parent-child relationships and assist them when faced with disputes over child custody issues.

If you would like to order hard copies of the publication, please contact the ACLU LGBT & HIV Project at (212) 549-2627.

Additional Resources

Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights

Research & Analysis

Justice Foreclosed: How Wall Street's Appetite for Subprime Mortgages Ended Up Hurting Black and Latino Communities

The economic crisis of 2008, which was devastating for the nation鈥檚 economy as a whole, was nothing short of disastrous for communities of color. The decades of progress toward full inclusion in the American dream that the civil rights laws of the 1960s enabled disappeared virtually overnight, stripping communities of color of their homes and their financial futures.

In this report, Justice Foreclosed, we look at how Wall Street鈥檚 demand for loans encouraged predatory lending in communities of color; how that in turn fueled the housing crisis, and how the bust will continue to affect these communities for years, if not generations, to come.

Issue Areas: Racial Justice

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