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Research & Analysis

A Tale of Two Recoveries: Economic Recoveries for Black and White Homeowners

America's racial wealth gap increased dramatically following the recent housing market collapse, placing black homeowners at severe economic disadvantage, perhaps for generations to come.

A study conducted for the ACLU by the Social Science Research Council, examined data from the longitudinal Panel Study on Income Dynamics concerning black and white households that owned a home at some point between 1999 and 2011.

The report explores the dramatic changes in wealth and home equity for these families over the course of that time period, and predicts how those changes might affect their children and grandchildren.

Issue Areas: Racial Justice

Research & Analysis

SILENCED: How Nuisance Ordinances Punish Crime Victims in New York

Housing security and access to effective emergency and police assistance are fundamental elements of creating safe and vibrant communities. For victims of domestic violence, housing and police access can take on even more importance, as they are often integral to escaping lifethreatening violence and living free from abuse. However, municipalities across the country are increasingly enacting laws that penalize tenants and property owners based on police response or criminal activity occurring on a property. These laws 鈥 typically called nuisance ordinances, crime free ordinances, or disorderly house laws 鈥 deter crime victims from reporting crime and frequently lead to evictions or other harmful penalties for victims who do call 911 in an emergency.

Issue Areas: Women's Rights

Research & Analysis

Safe Homes, Safe Communities

One in three women experiences domestic violence in her lifetime, resulting in physical injury, economic distress, psychological trauma, and even death. Domestic violence is a nationwide crisis that wreaks havoc on the lives of victims and their families, and has far-reaching consequences for entire communities. One such consequence is that survivors are at heightened risk for homelessness and housing insecurity, due to factors including discrimination, loss of employment, economic abuse leading to poor credit history, and survivor鈥檚 need to be in a home that is secure from their abuser. This guide recommends best practices for local leaders to promote fair housing for DV survivors in their communities.

This guide is written for municipal, county, and state leaders who influence the policies of their communities with respect to housing, emergency shelter, policing, and social services. Advocates can also use this guide to strengthen how their community addresses the housing needs of survivors.

The guide covers the following topics:

  • Information about the federal and state laws affecting housing for domestic violence survivors
  • Best practices for promoting fair housing for domestic violence survivors, including information on how to:
  • Incorporate domestic violence considerations into local housing planning;
  • Protect domestic violence victims鈥 access to effective police assistance;
  • Protect domestic violence survivors鈥 rights in rented or owned homes;
  • Collaborate with and support the efforts of domestic violence service providers; and
  • Protect public housing and Section 8 housing tenants.

By vigilantly safeguarding the housing rights of domestic violence survivors, municipalities can protect not only the survivors, but entire communities from the disastrous consequences of DV and housing insecurity.


In addition to the Safe Homes, Safe Communities guide, the following are useful resources for local leaders to learn more about domestic violence and fair housing, their obligations, and affirmative ways to protect domestic violence survivors.

  • State Laws
    • Nat'l Hous. Law Project, Hous. Rts of Domestic Violence Survivors: A State and Local Law Compendium (2014)
    • , Minn. Stat. 搂 504B.205 (2014)
    • , 53 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 搂 304 (2014)
  • Municipal Laws
    • Monroe County Code 搂搂 260-1 & 260-2
    • Westchester County Code 搂搂 700.02, 700.05, & 700.21
    • S.F., Cal., Admin. Code ch. 37, 搂 9
  • Federal Guidance and Information on Federal Requirements
  • Information on Briggs v. Norristown
  • Reports
    • Matthew Desmond & Nicol Valdez, , 78 Am. Sociological Rev. 117 (2013)
    • Emily Werth, Sargent Shriver Nat鈥檒 Ctr. On Poverty Law, s 5-20 (Aug. 2013)
Issue Areas: Women's Rights

Research & Analysis

Access Denied: Barriers to Online Voter Registration for Citizens with Disabilities

Published by the ACLU and the Center for Accessible Technology, this report focuses on one urgent issue: the accessibility of online voter registration websites for voters with disabilities.

HTML version of this report

Issue Areas: Disability Rights

Research & Analysis

The Costs of Modernizing Voter Registration Systems: A Case Study of California and Arizona

This report by the Social Science Research Council commissioned by the ACLU found that making online voter registration accessible for Americans with disabilities can save millions of taxpayer dollars.

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