Supreme Court Reinstates Arizona “Show Me Your Papers” Law, but Strikes Down Three Other Provisions of Anti-Immigrant Measure

June 25, 2012 12:08 pm

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ACLU Announces $8.77 Million “War Chest”; Vows to Defend Civil Rights and Challenge State Anti-Immigrant Laws

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Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld a key provision of Arizona’s draconian anti-immigrant law will lead to racial profiling and discrimination, ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero warned today.

At the same time, Romero said he was heartened by the fact that the court did not shut the door on future challenges to the law.

“We are not done in Arizona and will continue the battle against discriminatory laws like these that encourage racial profiling and undermine the constitutional guarantee of equal protection,” Romero said. “Be it in the courts or in state legislatures, we will aggressively take on these laws and blunt the effects of this miscarriage of justice. When local police can stop and detain anyone they perceive as ‘foreign’ because of their skin color, their accent or their surname, it is a watershed moment for civil rights.”

Today’s decision struck down three provisions of Arizona’s law, but upheld the notorious “show me your papers” provision, which requires illegal detentions and systematic racial profiling by local police. The court rejected the federal government’s argument that Arizona overstepped its power as a state. In a separate suit, the ACLU, along with a coalition of advocacy groups, will continue the fight to block the Arizona law as a violation of core constitutional rights, Romero said.

“The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the "show me your papers" provision for now will lead to widespread civil rights violations until it is reviewed again and possibly struck down,” Romero said. “Today's decision is an invitation for more litigation, while civil rights are inevitably violated.”

In anticipation of the ruling, Romero announced the ACLU has amassed an $8.77 million “war chest” to aggressively battle any state’s attempts to enact copycat legislation while also fighting the “corrosive effects” of existing anti-immigrant laws in Arizona and five other states.

The high court affirmed the most egregious and hotly disputed part of the Arizona law, S.B. 1070, which requires police to determine the immigration status of someone arrested or detained when there is “reasonable suspicion” a person is not in the U.S. legally. Although the state law is not yet in effect, some Arizona sheriffs have already engaged in widespread racial profiling and discrimination in a state that is 30 percent Latino.

“When law enforcement can say ‘show me your papers,’ Arizona begins to resemble a police state, rather than one of the United States.” Romero said. “At the same time S.B. 1070 and its copycats codify discrimination, polarize communities and undercut legitimate police work.”

They also exact a heavy financial toll. States have already begun to recognize laws like these devastate local economies. A University of Alabama study found Alabama’s state economy may have suffered as much as $6.5 billion in damage as a result of its anti-immigrant law. Arizona saw a drop in sales tax revenue and a jump in the unemployment rate when S.B. 1070 first became law in 2010. Farmers have seen their crops rot or are planting less because the migrant workers they have relied on for decades have fled the state in fear.

Meanwhile, local governments that attempted their own immigrant crackdowns have spent millions of dollars defending what Romero called “indefensible” laws. In Hazleton, Penn., news reports revealed the city spent about $500,000 in legal fees and is on the hook for at least $2.4 million for the prevailing side’s attorneys’ fees. In Farmers Branch, Texas, the city has already paid $3.4 million to defend its law, and may owe another $2 million to the winning side. Both cities’ insurance carriers have refused to cover the legal bills.
The “show me your papers” provision of S.B. 1070 has been blocked by lower courts until now. Arizona has not signaled whether it would immediately attempt to have local governments enforce the rule. However, Romero said the ACLU is prepared to combat a wave of harassment and discrimination against Latinos and anyone deemed “suspect.”

The campaign against anti-immigrant laws announced by Romero today is underwritten by 14 leaders in the business and philanthropic communities, who he said recognize that “today’s decision betrays our country’s founding premise as a nation of immigrants and a beacon of freedom and justice.” The campaign will provide funding to:

  • Bolster litigation efforts in the six states that currently have anti-immigrant laws on the books. Litigate against any state enacting anti-immigrant laws.
  • Thwart copycat legislation from becoming law by initiating increased advocacy and lobbying efforts on the state level.
  • Strengthen coalitions with other progressive groups, faith-based organizations and community leaders also fighting anti-immigrant laws.
  • Compel federal officials and state lawmakers to craft an immigration policy that reflects core American values.
  • Underwrite a public education campaign to alert more people about the dangers and devastating effects these laws have on citizens and non-citizens alike.

For information on states where anti-immigrant laws have been enacted or have been introduced, go to:

To see an infographic on Arizona's SB1070 at the Supreme Court, go to:

For information on the costs incurred by states and local governments defending anti-immigrant laws, go to:

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