Civil Rights Coalition Responds To Gov. Brewer’s Announcement In SB 1070 Lawsuit

Affiliate: ACLU of Arizona
February 10, 2011 10:50 pm

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PHOENIX – Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona announced today that the state of Arizona will introduce several counterclaims against the U.S. government in the ongoing litigation over SB 1070, Arizona's racial profiling law. The following can be attributed to a coalition of rights groups that filed a lawsuit challenging SB 1070.

The coalition includes the American Civil Liberties Union, MALDEF, National Immigration Law Center, Asian Pacific American Legal Center (a member of Asian American Center for Advancing Justice), ACLU of Arizona, National Day Laborer Organizing Network and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The law firms of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP; Roush, McCracken, Guerrero, Miller & Ortega; and Altshuler Berzon LLP are acting as co-counsel in the case.

“Arizona's counterclaim against the United States is a political stunt designed to distract from the reality that SB 1070's attempt to mandate racial profiling is unconstitutional. Gov. Brewer and the attorney general are simply creating a legal sideshow that will do nothing to increase border security.

"SB 1070 is a misguided law that puts Arizona out of step with fundamental values of fairness and equality, and has no place in Arizona or America.”

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