Stonewall at 50. ACLU at 100. A Legacy of Fighting for Justice and Equality.

The ACLU’s first LGBTQ rights case was 33 years before trans women of color led the riot against police brutality and anti-LGBTQ harassment at Stonewall.

We look back at some of the pivotal moments in the ACLU’s work to advance equality and justice for LGBTQ people and the work that remains today.


Defense of The Children’s Hour against censorship for lesbian content

Lillian Hellman’s stage play The Children’s Hour was nearly banned in Boston because of ‘lesbian content.’ The ACLU’s challenge of the attempt toban the play sparked public conversations about LGBTQ people in public life and led to future victories.


Defense of San Francisco Bay Area gay bar Hazel’s Inn raided by police

A decade before Stonewall, 87 people were arrested for being “lewd and dissolute” at a bar in Pacifica. Local council of the ACLU appeared on behalf of some of the people in court.

ACLU successfully challenges police raid on San Francisco LGBTQ event

The San Francisco Police Department tried to shut down a New Year’s Eve 1964 fundraiser dance for the newly-formed Council on Religion and the Homosexual, one of the nation’s first faith-based LGBTQ rights groups. Police attempted to scare patrons away with floodlights and cameras and multiple “fire inspections” and when event organizers asked to be shown a warrant police responded by arresting them. The ACLU defended the organizers at a trial, where the jury took only 10 minutes to return a unanimous verdict of not guilty. The raid, the surrounding publicity, and the subsequent trial led to unprecedented changes: the appointment of a special liaison between the police department and the gay community and the formation of an LGBTQ community hotline to report police abuse.


ACLU opposed Los Angeles ordinance targeting transgender people and LGBTQ clubs

In the early fall of 1967, the Los Angeles police cracked down on the performances of Sir Lady Java, a Black trans woman from Louisiana, at the Redd Foxx Club. Invoking Rule No. 9, which made it illegal for performers to “impersonat[e] by means of costume or dress a person of the opposite sex,” the police threatened to arrest the owner of Redd Foxx if Sir Lady Java ever again got up on the club’s stage. The ACLU threatened to sue over the rule but the club owner was unwilling to be a plaintiff. Sir Lady Java continued to publicly protest the rule and ultimately another lawsuit declared the rule unconstitutional.

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ACLU files the first ever legal challenge to the military ban on gay servicemembers

While“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” wouldn’t be repealed for anotherfour decades,the ACLU first challenged a ban on gay service members on behalf of Richard Schlegel in Schlegel v. U.S.

First challenge to law restricting marriage for same-sex couples

A same-sex couple in Minnesota, Richard Baker and James Michael McConnell, applied for a marriage license and were denied by county officials. Their challenge, Baker v. Nelson, went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court but was dismissed “for want of a substantial federal question.”


Supreme Court recognizes trans women in prisons should be protected from sexual assault

On August 21, 1989, Dee Farmer, a Blacktranswoman, sued prison officials after being raped in a maximum security men’s federal prison. On June 6, 1994, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Farmer v. Brennan that Dee Farmer’s case against the prison could move forward. Tens of thousands of subsequent court decisions have cited Dee’s case and the legal standard it established.

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Federal court rules that discriminating against someone for being trans is sex discrimination

Diane Schroer was a retired Army Colonel who was denied a position with the Library of Congress after her future supervisor learned she is transgender. The victory in Schroer v. Library of Congress has meant that trans people are protected from discrimination in the workplace under federal law.


Supreme Court strikes down the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act”

Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer shared their lives together as a couple in New York City for 44 years. On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Windsor that it was unconstitutional for the federal government, under section three of the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act,” to treat married same-sex couples as though they were unmarried for purposes of over 1,100 federal programs and protections.


Gavin Grimm challenges Gloucester County School Board anti-trans policy

Ҳ’s lawsuit against the Gloucester County School Board for adopting an anti-trans bathroom policy helped spark a national conversation about trans people in public life. Now graduated, Gavin still waits for a decision in his case, and for his school to treat him as the man he is.


Supreme Court makes freedom to marry the law of the land

Jim Obergefell spent 22 years of his life with John Arthur. When John died, Jim was handed a death certificate with no surviving spouse listed. His fight to have his marriage recognized struck down state bans on marriage equality across the country when the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges.


Federal challenge to North Carolina’s anti-trans “bathroom bill” HB2 filed

The ACLU’s fight, along with Lambda Legal,against anti-trans bathroom policies continues in Carcaño v. Cooper. The notorious law was replaced by HB 142.A settlement in this case wasapprovedin July,2019.

Aimee Stephens challenges her firing for being trans

Aimee Stephens worked in funeral services for nearly three decades when she told her employer that she is a woman. A federal appeals court ruled in 2018 that her firing was unlawful sex discrimination. This fall, the Supreme Court will hear Aimee’s case and decide whether or not to roll back critical protections for LGBTQ people.

ACLU challenges transgender military ban

Six transgender service members, as well as six individuals who want the opportunity to serve in the military and are transgender are challenging the Trump administration’s military ban in Stone v. Trump.


Supreme Court upholds Colorado nondiscrimination law in Masterpiece Cakeshop

David Mullins and Charlie Craig were turned away from Masterpiece Cakeshop because they are gay. While ruling for the bakery due to concerns specific to the case, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the core principle that businesses open to the public must be open to all in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Wisconsin jury awards $780k to transgender women denied health care coverage

Alina Boyden and Shannon Andrews are two state employees who were denied medically necessary care because they are transgender. A Wisconsin jury sent the state a bill for discriminating against Alina and Shannon.

1,829,689 people in Alaska and Massachusetts voted to uphold transgender nondiscrimination protections

With financial and on-the-ground support from the ACLU, voters in Alaska and rejected transphobia and voted to keep nondiscrimination protections for transgender people.


Supreme Court allows school policies supportingtransgender students to stand

In a victory for transgender students, the Supreme Court declined to hearDoe v. Boyertown Area School District. With the action, the court allowed school districts to support transgender students by allowing them to use the restroomsthat match their gender identity.

Aimee StephensTakesFirstCaseInvolvingTransCivilRightsto the Supreme Court

Aimee Stephenswas fired from her job as director of a Michigan Funeral Home because she is transgender.On October 8, 2019, her case was heard before the Supreme Court.

U.S. House passes Equality Act

In May, the U.S. House of Representatives passed landmark civil rights legislationadvocated by the ACLU, the Equality Act. This bill would provide LGBTQ people with comprehensive, explicit protectionagainst discrimination. This vote marked the first time in U.S. history that a chamber of Congress had passed comprehensive civil rights legislation for LGBTQ people.

IdahoPassesBan onTransStudentsinSchoolsSports

Shortly after Idaho became the first state to pass a lawbanning trans student athletes,Boise State studentLindsay Hecoxsuedthestate. In August of 2020,a federal judge blocked Idaho from implementing this discriminatory law.

ACLUReleasesAnalysisof 80StudiesonSexWorkDecriminalization

In October of 2020 the ACLU released“Is Sex Work Decriminalization the Answer? What the Research Tells Us”as part of a growing campaign to decriminalize sex work nationwide.The analysis reflects what transgender women and sex workers have been saying for decades: laws criminalizing sex workhurt public health and public safety.


Ban on Transgender Military Service Lifted

President Biden revoked President Trump’s ban on transgender people from serving in the militarywithin aweekof takingoffice.On day one the Biden administration alsoissuedan executive order fully implementing the decision inBostockin all areas ofthefederal government.


The ACLU launches a campaign asking the Biden administration to issueanexecutive orderto make it easier for trans and non-binary people to have accurate federal IDs. The ACLU’s campaign includes theACLU’slargest-everadvertising campaign on transgender justice and largest ad campaign targeting the White House on an LGBTQ issue.

Namingof the Jon L. Stryker and SlobodanRandjelovićLGBTQ & HIV Project

The ACLU’sworkwillcontinue for generations to comethanks to a generous contribution fromJon L. Stryker and SlobodanRandjelović. Located in the Ruth BaderGinsburgCenter for Liberty, the Stryker andRandjelovićLGBTQ & HIV Project will continuethe ACLU’s work for LGBTQ rights in courts and communities around the country.

Supreme CourtWillRuleonDiscriminationinTaxpayer-FundedPrograms

In June 2021, the Supreme Court again ruled there is no constitutional license to discriminate. There court did say that Philadelphia violated the rights of a taxpayer-funded foster care program when it refused to renew a contract due to specific language in the contract. The agency, Catholic Social Services, sought a ruling that would have allowed taxpayer-funded agencies to turn away not just LGBTQ people but people who are Jewish, Muslim and Mormon as well.

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