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Uncovering Sexual Assault in the Military

Sandra Park,
Former Senior Staff Attorney,
ACLU Women's Rights Project
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December 14, 2010

Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment are so prevalent in the military that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has coined a term to refer to these acts when perpetrated against servicemembers: "" (MST).

In 2008, the VA found that . Yet, while , the military has failed systematically to investigate complaints, appropriately punish perpetrators, and treat trauma and other health conditions suffered by survivors.

Victims who report MST commonly face stigma and retribution. Superiors in the chain of command are charged with investigating reports and have little incentive to document assaults which could reflect poorly on leadership evaluations. In the end, only 8 percent of alleged perpetrators are prosecuted. After they leave the service, veterans face enormous obstacles in obtaining medical care and disability compensation connected to sexual assault.

Yesterday, the , the ACLU, and the filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit with the Yale Veterans Legal Services Clinic seeking information from the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs regarding how each agency responds to the thousands of servicemembers who experience sexual assault, harassment, and domestic violence every year. The original FOIA requests were sent months ago; yet, the federal agencies have not met their disclosure obligations.

The U.S. cannot continue to turn a blind eye to these crimes. We filed this lawsuit because the extent to which the government addresses, ignores, and hides military sexual trauma and its effects must be known. Only then can we do right by those who have been assaulted in uniform.

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