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What Women Told Us: Pay and Promotion Disparities Are Rampant, Part II

Ilona Nanay,
Women's Rights Project
Katherine Clemente,
Women's Rights Project
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March 28, 2011

Tomorrow, Wal-Mart v. Dukes will be argued in front of the Supreme Court. At issue is whether this sex discrimination case against Wal-Mart should be allowed to proceed as a class action. The ACLU submitted a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that class actions are appropriate when employees allege that a company’s policy allowing managers to subjectively decide who receives promotions and pay increases has led to gender disparities, even in a company as large as Wal-Mart. Today we’re featuring quotes from women who have commented on our posts about the case, with striking examples of sex discrimination they have experienced on the job.

Quotes about the stereotype that women’s place is at home, taking care of husband and family.

“‘We aren't going to promote you because you'll leave when you have children.’” I quit after I heard that.”— Katherine

“‘You don't need to work. You could get any guy to pay your rent.’” — Joi

“From a former boss: ‘Women need to be mothers, not in management.’ He wasn't the only sexist boss I have encountered, but the most blatant.” — Chelle

“Upon answering a question about my major — which was MIS [Management Information Systems] — a manager clearly from another generation said: ‘Are you sure that wasn't an MRS degree you were after?’”— Molly

Sadly, sex discrimination on the job is NOT a thing of the past. To find out more about our work fighting gender discrimination in the workplace, visit our hub page.

We're holding a month-long blog symposium on women's rights for Women's History Month. See all the blog posts here, and learn more about women's rights: Subscribe to our newsletter, , and .

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