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Next Week on the Hill, June 23 – June 27, 2008

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June 23, 2008

Since you read the ACLU blog, you likely already know that the House of Representatives voted to pass the sham FISA “compromise” bill on Friday, and the Senate’s slated to take it up this week, with a vote expected Tuesday or Wednesday. If you haven’t contacted your senator yet and urged him or her to stand up for the Constitution, there’s still time!

Monday, June 23rd


will have a discussion entitled” at the New American Foundation.

No Child Left Behind

Comments on the Department of Education’s proposed are due today. The Washington Legislative Office, in conjunction with the Racial Justice Project, is submitting comments.

Tuesday, June 24th

Internet Drug Abuse

The will hold a on online pharmacies and the problem of Internet drug abuse.

Abstinence-Only Education

The will mark up draft legislation that would make fiscal 2009 appropriations for the departments of Labor, Education and Health and Human Services. Funding for Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) will be included.

The House of Representatives will take up , Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, under suspension of the rules. The bill includes $50 million funding for the Title V abstinence-only program, to be extended for 12 months

Voting Rights

The will hold a titled "Ballot Design: Are States Prepared for the 2008 General Election?"

Wednesday, June 25th

Early Childhood Education

The will mark-up , a bill to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to improve early education.

Thursday, June 26th

Catching Fugitives

The will hold a titled “They Can Run, But They Can’t Hide: Catching Fugitives in the 21st Century”

Enhanced Drug Penalties

The is scheduled to mark-up , the Saving Our Kids from Dangerous Drugs Act.

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) Reauthorization

The is scheduled to mark-up , a bill to reauthorize and improve the JJDPA.

Abstinence-Only Education

The will mark up draft legislation that would make fiscal 2009 appropriations for the departments of Labor, Education and Health and Human Services. Funding for abstinence-only education will be included.

LGBT Rights

hearing on discrimination in the workplace against transgender employees. ACLU client Diane Schroer will testify.

Private Prisons

The will hold a hearing on , the Private Prison Information Act. This legislation would require prisons and other correctional facilities holding federal prisoners under a contract with the federal government to make the same information available to the public that federal prisons and correctional facilities are required to do by law. The ACLU has submitted a letter in support of this legislation and Tom Jawetz from the ACLU National Prison Project will be testifying at the hearing.


hearing on torture, likely with John Yoo and David Addington.


The will mark-up , the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act.

Also happening this week:


The House is expected to take up the this week


The Senate is expected to vote on FISA this week, likely Tuesday or Wednesday.

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