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Documents Reveal Anaheim, CA Has Surprisingly Robust Surveillance Arsenal For Small City

Disneyland castle at night with radio waves in sky above it
Disneyland castle at night with radio waves in sky above it
Matt Cagle,
Technology and Civil Liberties Attorney, ACLU of Northern California
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January 27, 2016

Anaheim Police have spent almost a decade secretly building an inventory of powerful cell phone surveillance devices and making them available to neighboring cities in Orange County, .

This cell phone spying program—which potentially affects the privacy of everyone from Orange County’s residents to the people who visit Disneyland every year—shows the dangers of allowing law enforcement to secretly acquire surveillance technology. The devices include the suitcase-sized equipment, another hand-held and easy-to-hide cell phone spy tool, and—most surprisingly—a military-grade piece of equipment known as a “dirtbox” that until now was only thought to be used by the federal government and two major cities.

If a city of only a few hundred thousand people like Anaheim has purchased this wide array of devices, it raises the question of how widespread these tools really are.

Additionally, Anaheim in its secretive funding requests that “every city in Orange County has benefited” from its cellular surveillance equipment, raising further concerns about transparency, democracy, and accountability. It’s bad enough that Anaheim’s secretive acquisition of this surveillance technology deprived the city’s residents of the opportunity to participate in critical decisions affecting their own community. But by loaning out this technology well outside Anaheim’s borders, the police department has subjected people all over Orange County to surveillance decisions made by unelected leaders from other communities.

A cell site simulator, often referred to as “Stingray,” mimics a cell tower and tricks nearby cell phones into communicating with it. In order to function, these devices interact with all cell phones in radio range, which means they potentially retain data about the communications and locations of innocent people.

Although federal, state and local governments widely use cell cite simulators, governments have gone to great lengths to information about how those simulators work and are used. Anaheim’s secrecy here is not an accident. The city and its departments bought these devices in secret and initially refused the ACLU’s request for public records. Only after and engaged in extensive discussions did Anaheim produce any documents, which were heavily redacted—an on-going point of contention in our lawsuit.

What the documents show

Anaheim has possessed at least three different forms of cell phone surveillance technology since at least 2009, the documents show. The police department that year to purchase a dirtbox from a Maryland-based company named Digital Receiver Technology, Inc., or DRT. A dirtbox can collect information about thousands of phones at once, and a predecessor version of Anaheim’s device is capable of intercepting and recording digital voice data, according to to the media. Other dirtbox models are capable of breaking the encryption of cellphone communications, . One of the unique features of a dirtbox , and as a consequence scoop up information from not just a few hundred phones in its vicinity, but . Until now, the only reported domestic use of these powerful devices was by and the cities of Los Angeles and Chicago.

In 2011, two years after buying the dirtbox, from Florida-based Harris Corp using a combination of federal grant dollars and local funds. And in 2013, to the department’s Stingray the ACLU believes enabled it to monitor modern LTE cellular networks.

Finally, in late 2013 a controversial manufactured by a company called KEYW and marketed as a tool for covertly locating phones and LTE signals in hard-to-reach places, including the interiors of buildings. The , when compared with publicly available , strongly suggest that Anaheim bought a device called a . With a lightweight Jugular in hand, individual officers can easily conduct cell phone surveillance around and inside of buildings, including private homes, without alerting bystanders.

Potential warrantless use

The documents obtained in the public records suit do not confirm whether Anaheim police investigators obtain a warrant before using these devices. The records state that Anaheim obtains a “court order” or “court approval” for use of the , , and devices, but a court order is not necessarily based on probable cause, as is required for a warrant. This is important because devices like the KEYW Jugular can be used to find devices in hard-to-access spaces, such as the interiors of homes where people have the right to be secure from unreasonable searches under the Fourth Amendment.

The ACLU documents predate , the new California law requiring a warrant for these devices. We do not know what legal process Anaheim seeks for cell phone surveillance today.

The ever-expanding use of these devices appears to go beyond Anaheim’s city limits. Anaheim that it makes its cell surveillance arsenal available to other police departments in Orange County and had for sharing the dirtbox. The secretive use of this equipment outside of Anaheim means the police department not only deprived its own residents of the opportunity to debate or choose whether to be subjected to cell phone surveillance, it also did the same for the residents and elected leaders in neighboring jurisdictions, undermining the democratic process in those places as well.

It’s time for reform

Law enforcement entities should never acquire surveillance technology without telling the public, let alone multiple generations of devices capable of spying on private communications, as these has happened there.

Anaheim’s slide towards more and more surveillance illustrates the risks of secret surveillance outside of the democratic process. But communities are fighting back. As federal and policymakers pass new restrictions on cell surveillance devices, local communities are moving forward with surveillance reforms that range for Stingrays to to an transparency, accountability, and oversight for all surveillance technologies.

The ACLU is hopeful these reforms will take hold in places like Anaheim too so that when police seek the next generation of surveillance technologies, it won’t take the public seven years and a lawsuit to find out about it.


This is a condensed version of a post originally by the ACLU of Northern California.

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