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Indefinite Detention Is Un-American

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June 6, 2012

Today USA Today ran proclaiming “Indefinite detention is un-American.” We couldn’t agree more. The editorial states:

In the decade since the 9/11 attacks, Congress has been willing to do almost anything to ward off more terrorist strikes. It has given the government broad authority to hunt, hold and try suspected terrorists. Trouble is, the law is written so broadly that the government would have little difficulty applying it to virtually anyone.

The latest example is a provision that would allow the military to detain anyone indefinitely without charges or trial — even U.S. citizens — if the president determines they’re suspected of being terrorists or having aided terrorists.

Soon, the Senate will debate and vote on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), providing an opportunity to revisit the bill signed last December authorizing this president and all future presidents to order the military to put civilians picked up far from any battlefield into indefinite detention without charge or trial, based on suspicion alone. The ACLU believes that indefinite detention without charge or trial in the United States itself would be unconstitutional and illegal, but some powerful senators have urged that the NDAA be used to lock away people even here in the United States itself.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll keep you posted on opportunities for action. Congress needs to hear from you that it’s time to #FixNDAA. In the meantime, please help us spread the word about the danger of the indefinite detention provisions contained within the NDAA by sharing this blog post with your friends and networks. Stay tuned.

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