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ACLU Sues for Info on Predator Drones

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March 16, 2010

Today, we filed a lawsuit seeking to enforce a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Defense Department, the State Department and the Justice Department for information regarding the U.S. government's use of armed drones to target and kill individuals in , and . Our request was filed two months ago, and the only response received thus far was from the CIA, which claimed it could neither confirm nor deny the existence of any relevant documents.

Since taking office, the Obama administration has in targeting suspected terrorists. These drone strikes have not only occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also in Pakistan and, in at least one case, Yemen. The criteria for determining who is a legitimate target are unknown, as are the geographical limits, if any, on where strikes can occur. Perhaps most troublingly, the civilian death toll from drone strikes remains a secret. Estimates of civilian casualties , ranging from the dozens to the .

CIA Director Leon Panetta has publicly acknowledged the existence of the program, calling it the “.” His boss, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, has that the U.S. operates a targeted killing program, going so far as to state that of people to be targeted and killed. While the CIA is not named in today’s lawsuit, we will be appealing its non-response to an internal CIA review board.

The ACLU believes that, while the government reserves the right to withhold sensitive intelligence and military information, basic information about this profoundly new way of waging war should be available for public debate. The use of unmanned drones to track and kill specific targeted individuals including U.S. citizens — particularly outside a theater of war — raises legal, political and moral questions that should not be decided behind closed doors.

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