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DADT Repeal Bills Await Congressional Action

Ian S. Thompson,
Senior Legislative Advocate,
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December 14, 2010

Today, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.), the House champion of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) repeal, introduced legislation that mirrors companion legislation in the Senate to repeal the discriminatory and unconstitutional policy.

Legislation is now awaiting congressional action in both chambers of Congress. Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s (I-Conn.) companion measure in the Senate now has the bipartisan support of 41 senators.

The House could vote as early as tomorrow on its DADT standalone bill. The legislation would then go to the Senate. Timing in the Senate is much less certain at this point, but it is looking like there is at least a fighting chance that DADT repeal could become law before the end of the year.

We must keep up the pressure and hammer home the message that there is simply no excuse to delay any longer. Our gay, lesbian and bisexual service members deserve nothing less than the honesty and integrity that would come from not having to hide and deny their selves and families for fearing of seeing their military careers terminated.

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