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Constance Contest: Design the Logo for our Prom Action!

Picture of Constance
Picture of Constance
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March 16, 2010

We’re planning an online day of action to support Constance McMillen and every other student fighting for the right to be themselves at school. We need your help designing a logo!

This weekend, we’ll ask everyone who supports Constance to change their Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or other online profile picture to an image in support of LGBT students and their right to be safe and respected at school. Once we’ve raised awareness with this visual campaign, we’ll ask everyone to turn their support into action and do something to support the rights of students.

But first, we need a logo! We’re holding a contest to design the image, graphic or logo that will be used as a part of this action. Constance will select her favorite from the entries and the winner will receive a box of cool swag from the ACLU, internet fame and glory, and the undying gratitude of students everywhere! (Okay, we can’t promise the last two, but we promise the box of swag will be great!)

Images should be 200 pixels by 200 pixels and in JPEG (.jpg) or GIF (.gif) format. You can design your image around Constance’s personal struggle (e.g. “Let Constance Go!”) or around the rights of all students (e.g. “Prom is for Everyone!”). By entering your design, you’re giving permission for it to be used by the ACLU for promotional purposes and to be reposted widely by anyone participating in the day of action.

Once you have your design finished, e-mail it to to enter (and if you want, you can show the world your design by posting it on ). But hurry! We’ve only got 48 hours to make this happen! All entries must be received by 12 noon, EDT on March 18, 2010. See the official rules below for all the legal stuff.

Good luck! We can’t wait to see all the fantastic designs you come up with!


All entrants must be age 13 or older at the time of entry. Entries must be received by Noon Eastern Daylight Time on March 18, 2010 to be eligible. The winner will be announced on or before March 19, 2010 and the winner will be contacted via e-mail. The winner will be selected by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU) and Constance McMillen. All entries must be original artwork created by entrant(s) that does not incorporate any third party materials for which permission is needed. More than one person may jointly submit a single entry. In addition to being publicly acknowledged as the winner by ACLU, the winner will be receive a package of promotional items, including a t-shirt, stickers and other items, valued at approximately $25. The winner will retain copyright to the winning work, but will be required to grant ACLU a broad, perpetual, royalty-free permission to use the work in any manner in connection with its mission. By entering the contest, you agree that if you are the winner, you will grant ACLU such permission (and if you are a minor, your legal guardian also may be required to consent to that grant of permission). Void where prohibited. By participating, entrants agree that ACLU is not responsible or liable for, and shall be released and held harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims and actions of any kind in connection with or resulting from participation in the Contest, or acceptance of the prize, including without limitation, claims based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy. The construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of this contest and these rules shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions.

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