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Thakker v. Doll

Location: Pennsylvania
Last Update: March 27, 2020

What's at Stake

On March 24, 2020, the ACLU National Prison Project, ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project, ACLU of Pennsylvania, and Dechert, LLP, filed Thaker v. Doll in the Middle District of Pennsylvania, on behalf of immigrants held in civil detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at York County Prison, Clinton County Correctional Facility, and Pike County Correctional Facility.

The lawsuit seeks the release of detainees who, due to age or preexisting medical conditions, are at especially high risk for serious illness or death in the event of a COVID-19 infection. The release of the most vulnerable people in custody will also lessen the likelihood of a vast number of people becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 at the same time and overwhelming the healthcare system. The ACLU is calling for the immediate release of the plaintiffs on the basis that their continued detention violates the Fifth Amendment.

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