News & Commentary written by Wiley Gill

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Wiley Gill


Wiley Gill is a custodian at California State University, Chico. He is the subject of another SAR that the ACLU of Northern California obtained through a Public Records Act request. The SAR identifies Mr. Gill as a "Suspicious Male Subject in Possession of a Flight Simulator Game" and stems from a video game Mr. Gill may have been playing when police searched his home without a warrant in 2012. The SAR emphasized Gill's religion, stating that Gill, "based on his appearance (full beard and traditional garb) is a full convert to Islam at the young age of 26." The SAR concludes by stating that Gill was "worthy of note" due to his unemployment, "pious demeanor," and "potential access to flight simulators via the internet."

Click here for more of his story.