News & Commentary written by Sophie Kim Goldmacher

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Sophie Kim Goldmacher

Former Chief People Officer



Sophie Kim Goldmacher is the former Chief People Officer of the ACLU, where she was responsible for setting and executing the strategic vision and priorities for a best-in-class human capital management program. Taking care of a growing employee base of 550+ people by creating a place where people love to work, grow their careers, and be a part of the success of a mission-driven organization was central to her role.

Sophie has spent her career in public service and organizational management at the intersection of politics, government, public policy, and education. Throughout, investing in people has defined her purpose and her passion. She served in the Obama White House for four years as Deputy Director of the White House Fellows program, where she managed the outreach and selection process, and oversaw the day-to-day operations of the country's premier public service and leadership fellowship.

Prior to the ACLU, Sophie helped launch the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University, where she built a competitive fellowship program for political practitioners and created mentorship and career development programs for students as the Institute’s first Director of Programming. Sophie received her Bachelor of Arts in political science from Wellesley College and her Master in Public Policy from Georgetown University. She is a proud native of Alameda, California.