News & Commentary written by Olga Akselrod

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A photo of Olga Akselrod

Olga Akselrod

Senior Staff Attorney

ACLU Racial Justice Program

Pronouns: she/her


Olga Akselrod (she/her) is a Senior Staff Attorney in the Racial Justice Program at the American Civil Liberties Union, where she leads its work on algorithmic discrimination in employment and other economic opportunities and engages in advocacy for government actors to center civil rights in policies concerning artificial intelligence and other automated decision-making technologies. Since joining the ACLU in December 2019, Olga has also worked in challenging discriminatory policing practices as well as unjust legal fines and fees. Olga came to the ACLU after 13 years at the Innocence Project, a national litigation and policy organization focused on exonerating defendants who have been wrongfully convicted and reforming the criminal legal system, where she served as Senior Staff Attorney and Director of Intake and Evaluation. Prior to joining the Innocence Project, Olga was the recipient of the Fried Frank NAACP LDF Fellowship, through which she was an Associate at Fried Frank and subsequently Assistant Counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. She received a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, holds an M.A. in Political Science from the Johns Hopkins University, and is a graduate of NYU School of Law.