News & Commentary written by Naureen Shah

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Naureen Shah

Deputy Director of Government Affairs, Equality Division

ACLU National Political Advocacy Division


Naureen Shah () is Deputy Director of Government Affairs, Equality Division at the American Civil Liberties Union, based in Washington, D.C. She is a human rights lawyer with history as an advocate, researcher and campaigner. Previously she was senior director of campaigns at the US section of Amnesty International and acting director of Columbia Law School’s human rights clinic. Naureen has lobbied Congress, the White House, federal agencies, the UN, EU, foreign governments and regional human rights bodies. She is the author of several reports and commentaries on human rights, immigration, detention, torture and national security. She has collaborated with and trained grassroots activists across the country. She holds a J.D. from Columbia Law School and a B.S. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.