News & Commentary written by Julia Kaye

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Julia Kaye

Senior Staff Attorney, Reproductive Freedom Project



Julia Kaye (she/her) is a Senior Staff Attorney with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, where she fights against laws that limit access to essential reproductive health care. Julia was lead counsel in the two lawsuits, ACOG v. FDA and Chelius v. Becerra, that led the FDA to allow patients to obtain mifepristone, a safe and effective drug used for abortion and miscarriage care, through telehealth and pharmacy dispensing. She has also led or co-counseled litigation in numerous states challenging abortion bans, mandatory abortion delay requirements, laws preventing qualified nurse practitioners and midwives from providing abortion or birthing care, and other political interference with patients’ health and autonomy. Julia clerked for the Honorable Edward R. Korman in the Eastern District of New York and holds degrees from New York University School of Law and Barnard College. Julia has commented on abortion restrictions for , , , , and the podcast, among many other outlets.