News & Commentary written by Gary Daniels

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Gary Daniels

Chief Lobbyist

ACLU of Ohio


Gary Daniels is the chief lobbyist of the ACLU of Ohio and works in the ACLU of Ohio regional office in Columbus, where he has lived since February 2008. Gary has worked for the ACLU of Ohio for nearly 20 years, from 1995–2000 and 2003–present. Before becoming chief lobbyist, he worked for the ACLU of Ohio in the positions of associate director, litigation coordinator, and legal assistant.

Gary works with local and statewide elected and government officials to further the ACLU’s mission. He is a frequent commentator on civil liberties issues in local, statewide and national media.

A 1994 graduate of Kent State University, Gary graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science. He is originally from Youngstown, Ohio.