News & Commentary written by Cynthia Pompa

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Cynthia Pompa

Advocacy Manager

ACLU Border Rights Center


Cynthia Pompa is a proud native to the borderlands who grew up in both Cd. Juárez, Chih. and El Paso, TX. She is the Advocacy Coordinator at the ACLU Border Rights Center in El Paso.

In this role, she works to develop and coordinate advocacy and organizing strategies among the four ACLU southwest border affiliates - California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and the ACLU national office. Cynthia spent over three years as a field organizer for the ACLU's Border Rights Center, previously headquartered in Las Cruces, NM. Here, she led border-wide abuse documentation campaigns, and played a key role in coalitions efforts to resist the militarization of the U.S./Mexico border. Cynthia has a degree in Economics and International Relations from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX.